I really like Fannie Schiavoni's accessory collection. The chain styling is incredible, but also in the picture below, the intricacy in the "shoulder pad" is amazing. I've never seen anything like this so I can't really compare at all like I have done previously. However, the selection of this model was perfect her pale skin against the clashing red of her lips and hair really compliments the charcoal nature of the chains. In this picture on the right, don't you think it looks like the chains are part of her skin, they compliment so well. If I were going to make a comparison, (which I am) it would be that of those non-permanent tattoos that were huge for nineties kids, that you'd lick on the back to make them stick.
Obviously this is a much more sophisticated look and is a real accessory as opposed to a sticker. I just love how it looks so relaxed in the first look, so cool for going out in the second and like an acceptable accessory for work wear in the third.
What do you think?
The designer has a blog too, check it out