Tuesday, 30 April 2013

summer IS on its way

 It has been a while since I've posted. I've been away at my church's womens conference (hence fancy nails done by tutorial on February Girl, its called Colour and its incredible. We were at Wembley Arena for 3 days and it was seriously the best ever. I wish I had good photos, but the lights and everything were too much for my poor phone camera, but if you're interested have a look online.
 Its been quite sunny recently which meant walks by the Thames and salad! This was my lunch today, so yummy.
 This chap didn't mind me taking his photo, I was literally 60cm away from him. And those feathers; gorgeous!
Been ill for nearly a month now, so only been going to the gym every now and then, but have been going on strolls to this place every day I am able (yesterday I slept nearly the whole day).
p.s. New shoes :) from Aldo, the shoe shop I never fail to find shoes in.
p.p.s. That's Hampton Court Palace in the background.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

a day *or two* of life

 My day in pictures, well kind of 2 days in pictures. Breakfast yesterday was this American beauty of pancakes (well crepes, which are more French, but whatever) with maple syrup and crispy bacon! Delicious! I'd always though this was a bit weird, but we had bacon, pancake mix left from the weekend and maple syrup in so it had to be done and it was incredible (get it, edible ;])
So as not to be completely unhealthy, my mid morning revision break snack was grapes. I always count them out into mugs when I'm at uni, but at home we have glasses so I thought I'd be slightly classier (definitely wasn't to do with the fact that all the mugs were in the dishwasher). Pretty, hey?
 My Mum and I went shopping in the mid-late afternoon for some new shoes to go with the outfit I am wearing in the picture further down. We always walk past Paul, but never buy anything, but I've been ill so I think my Mum felt bad for me and bought me the most fabulous macaroon. I hope  heaven has macaroons.
Just look at that! It was a vanilla one, with vanilla cream. You can see my management science notes in the background *such fun.* I couldn't eat the whole thing yesterday as they're massive (which they really should be considering the expense) so this was my revision break snack today. 

This is the outfit I am searching for shoes for. I did buy a pair of shoes yesterday, but they don't go with this, they're more jean shoes. SO if you have any suggestions, link them to me in comments, I'd really appreciate it.

In the evening I went round to one of my friend's house for dinner, she has this AMAZING toaster oven, something which I've never seen before. We were making coffee and walnut cake (with a few sneaky pecans) so we popped them in the toaster. She's only ever seen them in Malaysia, so I guess I need to make a trip there. Have you seen them anywhere else?

 Here is our finished product! It is delicious! I have a lot left, so my connect group will hopefully enjoy this tonight (bar the one guy who's allergic to nuts...woops)

Outfit: T-shirt, H&M; Skirt, Next

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

I ain't got the time, so why don't you hurry up

It's been so long since I was last ill that now I've succumbed to whatever bacteria or bits that taken over my system I don't know what to do. I've been in Surrey Uni's library for the last 5+ hours, which I now feel was a poor decision. Sitting in a relatively quiet area, coughing my lungs out was not helpful to anybody's studying. So I'm now in Starbucks soothing my throat with a caramel macchiato, feeling sorry for myself, waiting for my lift home.

I need to get better sharpish, got far too much to do.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

And I was like baby, baby, baby, ohhh

 I'm finally back in Surrey. I flew back in the early evening so had these fantastic views above the clouds. Seeing the sunset when you're in the sky is just marvelous.
I had a baby shower the next day and so I made a cake, this was supposed to be an apple upside down cake..it didn't look as pretty as the recipe photo did, but it tasted AMAZING! I made a caramel sauce with it too, which just added that extra somethin' somethin'. 

Here's the recipe
 The table was lovely. I love baby showers, they're just so joyful.
Here's a nappy cake, a bit of a tradition in my church family. Its made entirely of nappies (diapers, if you're American) and inside there's all bits & bobs, such as bottles, dummies etc. Pretty cute, hey? We're yet to find out if the baby is a girl or boy, hence the very neutral colours.

 These cupcakes were INCREDIBLE. 

More of my weekend to come later. I now have to eat my dinner and head off into London for a leadership meeting. If your lucky I might get a few photos as its in Westminster & Parliament at night is always a nice view.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

I will wait, I will wait for you

Apologies for lack of posts. I have arrived home and I'm loving it. Super busy even after only being here 28 hours. I've taken pictures though so will fill you in when there's time.

It's been fun.

Thursday, 4 April 2013


Had my presentation today. So I had to dress slightly smarter than usual, hence the dress. Not super formal, especially as I had my thermal top on underneath. I thought it was going to be really cold. It wasn't, I was boiled, and had a cardigan on too because I couldn't have gone with my thermal sleeves out!  (excuse my face, I'd been tossing+turning all night and woke up mad early)
 I think it went well, the presentation that is, I hope. People said it was great..which is a pretty big compliment as I don't remember hearing that being said to anyone else..I don't know, maybe I just wasn't listening. Anyway I felt it went well anyway, which is important. I think. Oh I don't know, the thing with these things is that your marker/tutor/teacher/lecturer mightn't have liked it and then you're screwed. However, I made him laugh so I feel that that's a positive (?)
So I headed home because I felt I deserved it. It was such a lovely day and I'd finally completed all my coursework ( handed in some more yesterday) so I grabbed a snack (above) of pumpkin seeds roasted with garlic powder (YUM!) and headed up the Salisbury Crags. The views were spectacular; such blues! I romped around for quite a while.
Did a few sprints down the bottom and then up the hill, and found a new place (which I slid around in like a small child + got a few splinters in myself). I checked no one was around and just played. It was great. I know, I know, I'm 20 years old, but sometimes you just have to play, even when you're by yourself.
 Stopped for a snack and a quick selfie at the top. I packed the last of my nakd bars (apple pie) and it was lovely, to just look over Edinburgh, snacking on a healthy bar, seeing the snow on the Pentlands in the distance (below), in the sun..although it was windy

I hear its been snowing at home. Madness! I fly tomorrow so I'll see how that goes.

Stay cool, xo

Dress, Topshop; Thermals, Hand-me-downs so no idea :]

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Oh Happy Daaaaay

 Handed my essay in today! Happy day, last essay of 2nd year!
I semi-apologise for the fact that this picture is a weird one, i.e. phone covering face, but I couldn't be bothered with make-up today so I thought the best thing was to hide it a bit. I liked my outfit, so I took a picture.
Why is there stuff in my sink? Our bath is being repaired, and everything had to be removed from it. Hope that's a satisfactory answer (:
My dress has a graphical(?) design of a study hall which is SO appropriate. I love it. And my jumper has zips.

What more could you want!?
Its quite large, I bought it a while ago, but its so comfortable and cosy, its love.
Oh also apologies (not semi this time) for the random bath mat..I'm going to blame the workman for that, blame on my part too for not realising when taking the picture.

Jumper, French Connection; Dress top, Zara; Jeans, Primark (as per), socks (hehe) Adidas (part of my Games Maker uniform, they're very comfortable)

Stay well, xo

Monday, 1 April 2013

I would walk 500 miles (if I didn't have to study)

 Today was a lovely day in Edinburgh, Easter Monday, however I yet again spent the majority of my day indoors, studying. Why my university decides that Easter should not be a holiday, I do not know!? It was the perfect day for climbing, however I didn't get to. (click this picture to see it for all its glory)
 So I hear you ask, what are these pictures about then? This is my favourite rambling place in Edinburgh; the Crags, which I climbed the last time the weather was nice (about 4 weeks ago) and I had yet to post them. I hope you enjoy. Its a fantastic walk, a bit of scrambling up rocks too, which I found rather enjoyable.
 The photo below is of Arthur's Seat, which apparently was/is a volcano? It gets a LOT of visitors, which is why I prefer the Crags, less touristy=less busy, more free space. I walked Arthur's Seat once and really didn't enjoy, I was scared of falling plus there were SO many people around.

What's great about the Crags is that you can see Arthur's Seat as well as Edinburgh .
I hope you had a lovely Easter Monday and enjoyed your weekend off. I look forward to my next weekend off in about 7 weeks (my last exam in May 23rd!) Although I'm heading home this weekend so maybe I'll take that off too, bit cheeky I know, considering exams are looming.